Transitioning from Summer to Fall

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As the days get colder and darker, the mind and body head into a hibernation stage that leaves us wanting to curl up in front of the TV most evenings... like at 5pm or earlier!

On top of that, sweet & salty snack cravings become overbearing. 

Allow yourself to slow the tempo down during this seasonal transition, but treat yourself to some healthy and nourishing snacks. 

Here are THREE ideas: 

  1. Popcorn with coconut oil and nutritional yeast (read my handout on fats to see why this won’t send fat straight to your thighs!!)

  2. Date balls:
    - 20 pitted medjool dates
    - 1 cup raw, unsalted nuts -you choose!
    - 1/4 cup cacao
    - 1/2 tsp vanilla

    Combine everything in a food processor.
    Roll mixture into bite sized balls.
    (Keep refrigerated)

  3. Humus with romaine lettuce ‘chips’:
    - 16oz can chick peas
    - 1/2 cup tahini
    - 1/4 cup olive oil
    - 3 cloves garlic
    - 1/4 tsp salt
    - lettuce (pieces) to dip

    Heat chick peas on stove on medium heat with half of the liquid from the can (drain the other half) until beans are soft.
    Blend cooked chick peas with tahini, olive oil, garlic & salt in a high speed blender.
    (Keep refrigerated)


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