Tara J

“You wake up in the morning, you go to her class, whenever you want to go, and it feels great! She’s a great trainer, she’s a great cheerleader, she’s a great person.”

Tara J

The ‘ME’ Method

Together, we look at your current physical and nutritional behaviour patterns to determine the barriers that have been limiting your potential. Then we create an individualized plan to improve your physical and emotional fitness levels and your nutrition - this is YOUR Energy Method!

In order to increase your body’s ability to generate energy we need to reduce inflammation, align your physical structure, and animate the stagnant energy pockets that have formed in your system over the years. Contact me for more information about how we will achieve this!

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Hi, I’m Lisa Moore.

My Journey

10 years ago, I wasn’t unhappy as you can see by the big smile in the photo on the left, but I was feeling and looking pretty unhealthy. I was suffering from autoimmune disease, and the symptoms were becoming too severe to ignore anymore. The weight gain, grey skin colour, loss of hair and skin problems were really taking their toll on my body and my spirits.

I was so tired all the time, I became a couch potato. I’d come home from work, watch TV all night and repeat all week. Too tired to cook, ordering pizza or other fast food with my husband was easy and convenient, but the pizza made me feel even sicker and my weight skyrocketed. I gained 52 pounds in 5 years.

As a result, I had no energy to enjoy life! 

Did I mention I have food sensitivities? Yes, they ARE REAL.

Here’s what I learned in order to take my health seriously:

  • Pizza was evil for me because of the gluten

    • 1 small bite of gluten gives me a huge rash & sends my mood crashing

    • 1 larger bite causes major cramping, digestive issues and my intestines to bleed

  • Refined sugar makes me extremely hyperactive & emotional

  • Dairy makes me itchy & causes my stomach to bloat up to 4 inches!

  • Eating foods I’m allergic to or too much processed food for sustained periods of time causes my body to attack my thyroid

I’m not proud of it, but I used to resent the fact that I couldn’t eat like other ‘normal’ people. I would eat the foods I shouldn’t, and just suffer. But then I realized that NOBODY gets away with eating unnatural, processed, sugary foods, especially when you hit 40.

Everyone’s different, so when you find the foods that are right for your body, the world opens up, the guilt goes away, you feel incredible, more energetic and the best perk of all is you start looking better too!

How I Can Help You

Once I understood what was happening to me and why, I decided to get healthy. We only have one life 💙

I worked with my GP and a Naturopath doing everything they recommended. I also hired a personal trainer to get me motivated to work out. Within 1 year, I’d lost the weight I wanted to lose and felt amazing!

I learned so much during my healing process, I became dedicated to the cause and put my 20-year college teaching career on hold to go back to school to study both fitness and nutrition.

The Naturopath even hired me to work as their Nutritionist for a few years until I decided to branch out on my own. 

Now, I want to use my personal experience and years of training to help people like you feel and look great too.

My passion is putting together a customized holistic program for each of my clients to promote physical and emotional healing. I’m proud to offer you the knowledge, tools and skills needed to get you where you need to be.

Here’s a summary of my education, qualifications & experience:

  1. CPT (Certified Personal Trainer) through BCPTI (The British Columbia Personal Training Institute), with a specialization in Corrective Exercise, 

  2. CNP (Certified Nutritionist Practitioner) from IHN (The Institute of Holistic Nutrition

  3. Energy Healer & Specialist

    1. Reiki

    2. Access Consciousness 

    3. Quantum Touch

  4. Master’s Degree in Communications

  5. Energy Specialist - Moore Energy Method 2020- present

  6. Nutritionist with the Scimedica Health Group (2015-2019)

  7. Nutritionist with Vi Sol Massage and Wellness (2014-2015)

Let’s do this together!

 Choose the next step to work with me…


Gluten Free Expo 2014

Lisa Moore presenting about Allergen And Gluten Free Plant Based Diets at the Gluten Free Expo.


Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation Canada

Fall Symposium SFU - 2015

Lisa Moore presenting for the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation about how diet can contribute to IBD symptoms.