Will I have to give up all the foods I love?

Yes and no. I’m willing to bet you already have an idea about which foods are not fuelling your body well and you are still eating (or drinking) them because you love them. For optimal energy, you will want to avoid those foods that are causing inflammation and/or immune response. However, I’m here to provide you with alternatives that can create very similar meals to the ones you love that taste almost as good, or in some cases even better because they don’t leave you feeling tired and bloated.

Do I have to give up dairy and gluten?

That all depends on whether your body shows a sensitivity to them. Not everyone has problems with gluten, but most humans over the age of 4 have stopped producing the enzyme that breaks down the sugars in dairy, which makes dairy difficult to digest for them. There are many delicious alternatives, and you may be one of the lucky ones who can eat/drink dairy without issues.

I don’t have time for exercise, can I get fit without it?

Not really, no. The goal is to optimize your personal energy and creating a schedule that incorporates fitness and sleep into your day will be a main priority. I have fitness programs that take less than 30 minutes to do and we can work with your busy schedule. I want you to make yourself a priority!

Will I have to become a vegan?

That is entirely up to you. We will work together to find the best eating habits for your body, and some people function better with meat in their diets, while others do not. Some people have strong preferences and I’m able to coach individuals on how to transition safely to veganism if that is what their goals are.

I have an injury, can I exercise?

Yes. Get consent from your doctor and send it to me with the specifications of your injury, and we will work on getting you more mobile. I’m certified as a Corrective Exercise Specialist so through stretching and gentle activity, I’m able to help work the tight, weak muscles that have been overcompensating for your injured areas. We will get you more mobile and feeling less pain in no time!

I’m not very good at cooking, do I have to cook?

There will be some meal preparation because fresh food is the best food, but the meal plans are simple and take very little time to prepare. I recommend you spend a couple hours at the beginning of the week preparing meals and snacks to have ready for you during the week.