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“I’ve tried several kinds of “tapping” to help with my anxiety issues without any success.
But when I tried Lisa’s method, it worked the very first time!
I love your explanations for why you do what you do. Thank you Lisa!”

Liz F


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Energy Purge and Alignment

When you’re feeling stuck and unable to see possibility for change, or you find yourself repeating unhealthy patterns over and over, it is due to an energetic imprint. These are caused by trauma and until they are released, you will find yourself stuck and unable to change. These imprints can even become physical pain centres. Using a variety of energy manipulation techniques, I will help you to purge stagnant energy pockets, then recharge your system with better flow. Each session is approximately 90 minutes long, but they could run shorter or longer. Wear comfortable clothing and don’t plan any important events following the session because you will need time to process results.


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“I’m feeling energetic, bushy eyed, people are commenting like, “Wow! What have you done?” And people in my group, they say they can see it in my face, and I feel so much better like this, like a glow from within, I feel lighter.”

Steve S