A customized approach to helping humans and horses improve movement and PERSONAL ENERGY LEVELS

There is no single
method of dieting
or exercise
that works for
Together we will find YOUR Energy Method!
You have to move to be able to move!
I can help you eliminate pain and increase mobility. Join me for individual in person or online personal training sessions, or for the regularly scheduled online 30 minute group classes, to get your body producing maximum energy!
Struggling with IBD/IBS or just feeling unhealthy?
Through food sensitivity testing, diet diary analysis and plenty of education about how the digestive system works, you will say goodbye to lethargy and bloating and learn to fuel your unique body with tasty foods that provide maximum energy!
Feeling stuck in some area of your life? Often critical of yourself? Not sure what’s underneath it all or how to move forward?
In our sessions, you can playfully and compassionately explore and express experiences, thoughts and feelings that may be difficult to put into words by using different forms of art (no skill needed!). You’ll gain more self-awareness, freedom of expression, self-acceptance, and empowerment to make the changes you want!
Do you keep finding yourself in the same negative loop with relationships, money, work, or health issues?
By purging and aligning stagnant energy pockets in the body, we can get your inner energy moving and flowing to allow you optimal emotional energy that will have you seeing new possibilities where you saw none before.
Take a look at our available programs and courses here: courses.memethod.ca
Free Sample Mini Course:
Diets in Focus: Do They Work?
Are you tired of diets that don’t last or allow you to sustain the results you want?
Do you know the reason why these diets haven’t worked for you?
Have you ever considered diets from a psychological AND physiological approach?
Creating a Plan that Works Just for You
Through our personalized coaching, I’ll work alongside you to develop an integrated plan to achieve full body wellness - combining the practices of:
exercise and
energetic therapy
expressive arts therapy*
Each customized package is tailored specifically to suit your body’s needs. You know your own body, you know what you’ve already tried, you may even know why nothing has worked.
It’s our job to listen to you, and put the pieces together to create a workable plan that doesn’t overwhelm you, but motivates you towards success.
*with Darja M.